Friday 28 November 2014

Product Empties (August - November)

Hey y'all! *Effect of watching too much SoothingSista hehe* Happy Thanksgiving and T.G.I.F! This post will feature 13 products that I've used up since August (I am such a hoarder). Read on to find out whether or not any of these products are good enough for a repurchase!

Saturday 1 November 2014

October Favourites 2014

A big hello to November and a bigger hello to this lil' beauty blog of mine! It has been abandoned for much longer than expected since my last post, oops. I guess I just lost the motivation to take pictures, upload them to my laptop, edit them, and type out a super long chunk of text. But I'm back now! I guess? Hehe.

The start of October was when I decided to set up a beauty account on Instagram (@mybeautyroad), and it has been the highlight of my month! I cannot be more thankful for the amazing beauty community on Instagram (IG), especially for those whom I've communicated with (and even met!) because they're all extremely lovely and humble! It honestly brings me joy to know of so many wonderful ladies who share the same passion as I do. *virtual hugs*

I'm actually perfectly fine with no blog because I can type all of this on IG too. But it's a pity that the text alignment / format on IG is terrible :( I'd create different paragraphs in the captions or comments, but they'd be gone the moment I hit "send". I'm sure y'all know what I mean! My (slight) OCD cannot handle such torture hahaha.

So blogging it is! :) I'll stop blabbering and get started on my October Favourites 2014: